Bookworm Spiritual Singles

Fontos a közös érdeklődés a vonzalom, hasonló a rezgésszint akkor megtaláltuk egymást. Társkeresésnél az alap....Nem dohányzom, nem nézek TV -t ,nem szedek gyógyszert, nem olttatok .

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Looking for a partner to enjoy coming years

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musician ,hippie /gypsy and most of that i m a boudhist serdnaorreif_drummer/andresfierro j'ai n'ai ouvert aucun compte donc j'ne peux repondre a aucun de vos messages just a aller voir F/I sur certains réseauxs et vous aller me trouver 😉Playhouse...

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I'm a Scorpio, nooo don't run for the hills 🤭Spiritually awakened for a year and a half and looking to connect with like minded individuals. I'm very free spirited and easy going. Love nature, especially the sea, even though I can't swim 🙈 Maybe what...

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I am a spiritual truth seeker, philosopher and bookworm. I have also a practical disposition being a beekeeper, gardener and carpenter. I prefer living on the countryside ideally close to water. I would love to meet a woman who is on her spiritual...

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Öppen och ärlig kommunikation vill jag ha 😇 Vi kan träffas och se om tycke uppstår. Jag är som en trisslott vinst ibland❤️ Jag värnar om djuren, är vegetarian och älskar choklad. Jag tycker om att resa och då gärna till ett varmt land. Mycket...

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Long-time student of Buddhism, psychotherapy polyvagalists/IFS now focus), physical fitness, vegan diet, enneagram, astrology … mostly extroverted so verbal friendship a first and vital foundation … current challenge to discover and respect...

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"Our automated system detected that some fields in your profile possibly violated our TOS, containing entries like email addresses, phone numbers, links to competitors, etc. We kindly ask you to fill out your profile with correct data and...

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I would describe myself as a funloving, nurturing, health conscious, spiritual women. Love to dance and have fun and meaningful conversations.

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